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Pole Power Academy - Kelly Morgan
How To Get Your Invert Without Kicking and Swinging
You know the saying, you can't run before you walk, this is exactly the same when it comes to inverting.
I know you're impatient and want it yesterday, I get it, I'm impatient too, but if you want to be able to invert with control, minimise injuries and actually help you pole progression and not hinder it, you need to take the right steps to get there, which I am going to share with you right here.
Now before I go on I want you to know that I am using a silicone pole in a few videos I share below. This allows me to grip with clothing. If you are using a pole that's not silicone or rubber, you'll want to make sure your skin is exposed to grip the pole.
Everything I teach on a silicone pole can absolutely be done on any other finish pole, the only difference is I don't have to warm up the pole first (yay) not do I have to coat myself and the pole in grip aid each time I use it to stick to the pole (double yay)
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So let's get stuck into why you are here, to actually learn to invert. WOOHOO
The first step is tucks! I know you have prob heard this before but it is an essential step and will absolutely help if you get your positioning right.
Everyone wants to start with their hands higher but if you train this way you'll find the next step super difficult as you'll have no leverage to learn back. Always have your hands in line with your face
Watch the video below where I explain this more and show you what I am talking about.
You want to practice tucks every time you train. Slow the dismount too so you land quietly, this will build your strength and control
One you can get your knees nice and high you'll begin to widen your knees to a Tuck & Tilt. This is where you aim your knees towards your shoulders and start to pull the pole away so you lean back. It's important to keep strong and not results to hanging as you'll just drop out.
Once you can tuck and tilt easily, it is now time to shoot those legs up to the ceiling, no thinking about trying to get your feet on the pole, the min you do this you'll create bad habits which are hard to break. Instead you want to power toes to ceiling as you lean back, keep hips close to hands.
An off the pole exercise to help build this strength is reverse crunches. They are challenging but effective.
Once you have your legs high, place your outside leg on the front of the pole - calf presses into the pole , inside leg to the back of the pole press the shin into the pole.
Have slight bends in the leg so you can squeeze and grip pole between thighs too.
Shoulders stay back and chest forwards, if you are rounding back you'll find you'll feel like your butt is dragging you down.
What to do once you're up there?
Once you can invert, it can open up a whole other level in your pole journey, I class this level as Intermediate.
The first move I teach is how to get into an Inverted Crucifix. I thought you may like to learn this too. So here you go and extra bonus tutorial for you
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